Weight loss Myths that you should never believe

Misbah Shahid
5 min readAug 21, 2021

Obesity has taken its toll on many people. Trying a slew of weight loss tips that didn’t work for you is no fun. If so, have you been bombarded with tips on how to slim down? Are you constantly on the lookout for new ways to expedite the process of losing weight?

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Well, people on their weight loss journey try different things. Some of them work and some do more damage than the cure. Here we will discuss different weight loss myths we have heard and real facts about them.

1. Avoid Carbs to get slim:

You’ve undoubtedly seen ads or read blogs criticising carbs for your weight loss struggles. Alternatively, you may have a friend or family member who has eliminated carbohydrates as part of a popular new diet plan.
While some dietitians recommend eliminating carbohydrates to lose weight, others recommend the absolute opposite. What does science truly say in response to all of it?

According to Live sciences Journal, Carbohydrates are the most fundamental dietary group for healthy living. Many vegetables are rich in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are macronutrients. According to Paige Smathers, a registered dietitian, “They’re one of the three primary ways the body gets energy, or calories.”

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Proteins, lipids, and carbs are the three categories of macronutrients. These are necessary for our bodies to function correctly. Carbohydrates provide energy to our muscles as well as fuel for our central neurological systems. “The basis of all of these healthy eating habits is carbohydrate-rich meals like vegetables (including beans and peas), fruits, and whole grains,” says the study.
Also, keep in mind that fibre is a kind of carbohydrate. Your fibre intake will fall if you eliminate carbs.”

So the Fact is, if you want to eat healthily you can not avoid carbs at all.

2. All Calories are the Same:

It is very important to pay attention to what you are eating. A calorie is a unit of energy measurement. The energy composition of all calories is the same.
This does not, however, imply that all calorie sources have the same impact on your weight.
Distinct foods follow different metabolic routes and therefore have drastically different impacts on appetite and the hormones that control your weight.
A protein-calorie, for example, is not the same as a fat or carb calorie.
Protein can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and decreasing your hunger and cravings while also improving the action of several weight-regulating hormones.

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It is important to note that different calorie sources can have dramatically varied impacts on appetite, hormones, energy expenditure, and the brain areas that regulate food intake
Calories are vital, but counting them or even being aware of them is not necessary to lose weight.
Simply altering the foods you eat can have the same or greater benefits than calorie restriction.

3. You will lose weight in a linear manner:

Unlike what some people believe, weight loss is not always a smooth procedure.
Some days and weeks, you may lose weight, while others, you may gain.
This is nothing to worry about. A few pounds in and out of the body’s weight is natural.
Your digestive tract may be transporting more food or fluids than normal.
When it comes to women, it’s much more pronounced, as their water weight fluctuates a lot during their menstrual cycles.
It doesn’t matter how much it varies as long as the overall trend is downward.

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4. It is compulsory to have your breakfast to lose weight

Researchers have found that those who skip breakfast likely to weigh more than those who have breakfast.
People who eat breakfast are more likely to have other good lifestyle practises, which may explain why. When 309 people were studied for four months, their breakfast habits were examined. The results showed that eating or skipping breakfast had no influence on their weight.
Another misconception is that eating breakfast increases metabolism and that eating several small meals throughout the day increases calorie expenditure.
You should eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full, as opposed to eating when you’re not hungry. If you want to have breakfast, go ahead, but don’t expect it to make a significant impact.

While it’s true that breakfast skippers gain weight more quickly than breakfast eaters, controlled research demonstrate that whether you eat or skip breakfast has no effect on your weight reduction.

5. Obesity is about will power and not science:

It’s not correct to state that your weight is only determined by your ability to exercise willpower.
There are several variables that contribute to obesity.
In addition to several hereditary factors, medical disorders including hypothyroidism, PCOS, and depression might raise your risk of weight gain.
Numerous hormonal and biochemical processes in your body are also expected to manage your body weight, according to experts. As a result, it is far more difficult for obese people to lose weight and keep it off.

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Those of you who are attempting to lose weight are probably familiar with the same misconceptions. There is no way to escape them in Western society. You may even have believed some of them!
As a result, the majority of these misconceptions are untrue.
Contrarily, there is a highly complicated link between food and your body weight.
Find out what adjustments you can make to your diet and lifestyle that are supported by scientific evidence if you want to lose weight.



Misbah Shahid

|A registered pharmacist| |An Author| |Just an Ordinary Girl Building her Own Realm|